This weeks 'Sharing the Love' post features dread maker Efflorescent Dreams.
"Hi, my name is Roisin (or Rosh if you like) and I am a 20 year old psychology student / dread maker / hobby hoarder from the UK.
Efflorescent Dreams started off a year ago as a little craft page where I posted mostly hand made jewellery, crocheted accessories and hair wraps. I have always been creative and wanted my own little shop to run in my spare time.
I'm currently a full time University student, so time isn't
a thing I have much of these days but my Facebook page is one of my passions and I always try to fit at least one project into my day.

I have recently started selling my dreads and I generally make either crocheted accent kits or full wool sets. So far, wool being my favourite to make.
I started making dreads probably around 3 years ago. I fell in love with dreads but being a poor student at home with no job I have a limited amount of money. I would have loved to have splashed out on some awesome dreads, but my lack of money paired with my creative curiosity drove me to make my own set.
From then I made multiple sets for myself and friends until I took the plunge to get real dreads. I started practising with accent sets for myself until I felt like I was at a standard to finally start selling dreads and things have really took off from there!"
You can check out the awesome creations from Efflorescent Dreams on the following sites:
Facebook Page
Etsy Shop